February 28, 2011

San Francisco Treats

How great would it be to work at a mannequin factory? There's something so fascinating about their diminutive bodies and awkward gestures. In NZ all the mannequins had distinct nipples which kind of weirded me out. However, none of them even came close to these mini Sinatras and Biebers in their be-suited, creepy glory. Keep looking. It gets weirder the longer you stare at them.


Kyle said...

I demand pictures of these so called "distinct nipples," so that I can verify that they are indeed distinct.

Alexa Heidrich said...
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Alexa Heidrich said...

I remember those mannequins. The pictures are even more haunting than I thought possible.

jason brown said...

Here ya go!


The men models have nipples to, if you're into that kind of thing.

Rachel Wrong said...

Thanks Jason! That's exactly how I remember them. Very pointy.