May 24, 2011


Sasquatch is upon us. It always comes so soon, and I never quite feel prepared for the onslaught of music, laughter, dancing, late nights, early mornings, and hilarity that comes with it. This year, however, is different. I packed last night. Days ahead!

Obviously this was only Tier 3 Packing. Tier 2 Packing will occur the morning of and will result in at least five more random items shoved into my bag. Tier 3 Packing will occur five minutes before we leave and this will involve sheer panic and will result in inexplicable and useless items, as well as the last-minute stowing of things that I would not be able to live without (tickets, camera, chapstick, etc.).

So last night I put on LCD Soundsystem, went through my clothes, modeled my outfits, and danced. It's tricky. Danceablity, comfort, style, climate control: all these factors must be considered when selecting clothing for Sasquatch. I always want it to be nice and hot, but the weather forecast is not looking good, and even when it is, you can't avoid variability up there in the Gorge. So, I think I've packed the correct amount of things that I will wear because I want it to be warm, and things I need to wear because it won't be warm (see the abbreviated visual catalog above). My only goal is to not end up looking like a bag lady.

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